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5 Benefits of Prototype Manufacturing

by Nice Rapid | Feb 20,2020 | Rapid Prototyping

Prototyping Project

One of the challenges that product designers experienced is not being able to show their clients their concepts in real life. That was before, but now that prototype manufacturing has come into the picture, designers not only have a representation of the product, but engineers can also see how they perform in real life.

There are many from prototype manufacturing that cannot be matched by other engineering techniques. The journey from concept to market is a long road that has many bumps and turns, Read this article if you want to find out how prototype manufacturing is the driving behind some of the best products today. Here are its main benefits.

1. Changes on the design can be done immediately

After prototype manufacturing, designers and engineers will have a visual model of their concepts. There are many ways to test the functionality and integrity of the design. It can be sent to the end-user or customers to verify the performance of the product, or it can be tested inside the lab. They have to give feedback about the product.

Based on this feedback, the changes in the design can be made immediately. There can be a lot of iterations before the final design is run in production. And these changes will help the design to improve and be better than the first run. When the actual product is tangible, the designers and the customers will have better confidence in the product.

2. It is time and cost-efficient

Through prototype manufacturing, companies can save on time and cost. With rapid prototyping, the time it takes to complete the patterns and molds for each prototype is less. Additive manufacturing using 3D modeling and CAD designing is more cost-efficient compared to the conventional method of prototyping. Material waste is kept at a minimum, and the waste materials can be recycled too.

Another way where there are cost savings during prototyping is during the early detection of design flaws. The flaws will be rectified before going into full production and therefore, would save the whole batch from getting rejected. When this happened, the manufacture will save cost and time and will not have the wrong impression on the consumer.

3. Customization

One of the most significant benefits of using prototype manufacturing is it offers high levels of customization. In prototyping, every design and shape can be altered. Even if the design is complicated, it can be made into a prototype, and after approval, can go into full production. The use of CAD in prototyping can yield virtual prototypes before making a real form. Changes can be employed at this point without affecting the other parts.

4. Designers can have their concepts in tangible form

Instead of the virtual form of their concept, designers can have the real product on their hands. With a tangible representation of their ideas, they can have a product that they can analyze and understand better. They can see how their final product will look like before going into high-volume production. Aside from the designers, the stakeholders can also have confidence in the product once they have a look and feel it.

5. Lessens design flaws

With a prototype, engineers can see and make corrections on the design flaws. It is more applicable to the functionality and performance of the product. With an actual prototype, they can test it using different environments and see how they behave. It mitigates the risk of having faults and usability issues.

If you are looking for specialists in prototype manufacturing, you can contact Nice Rapid. This company provides cost-effective and timely solutions for any requirements.

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