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3D Printing - The Big Secret Behind Entrepreneurship

by Nice Rapid | Mar 12,2021 | 3D Printing

3D printing is making retail stores go extinct like the literal dinosaur with all the products sold online created using the manufacturing technique. The trade market is a very active playground, with many people buying products sometimes out of sheer impulse. With a flick of your finger now, you can buy anything you need and even add stuff you were not planning to get. Places like Amazon are the online Sears of this generation, and it's very inviting.

Almost all these products you see online have been created using 3D printing in one of their stages of development. That Alexa console at your home, a case with tools you need to learn how to operate. Such are the miracles of the open market, full of people willing to anticipate your needs with accuracy. This is not coincidental, though. Many entrepreneurs use modern tools such as 3D printing to get a hold of what their targeted customer needs. Many of them try their luck with a vision and a dare because they see an opportunity to cash in big.

The Internet – The Pool of the Collective Conscience

Please make no mistake, as revolutionary as it may seem your idea, as an entrepreneur, you are not the first to see a solution to a problem. Like you, a lot of people have tried their luck and failed. These guys are swept under the rug to give space to the newcomers in the line. Such is the cost of the train of thought of humanity in the present times. Technology has evolved to become the means used by many people to make their dreams come true. Just take a look at your social media platforms.

Facebook and Instagram offer products based on your interests, all of them created with 3D printing technology. We are a collective conscience, and our playground is online. The people who are looking for a chance to get in the game will use a lot of resources to cover those needs. Making your idea for a product come to life used to be expensive. You had to shop your concept to people with money and beg for their attention, hoping to get financed. That has changed for the better these days.

The Traits of Modern Entrepreneurship

As you read this, someone had an idea. This person will sit on it for a couple of days until they search for someone who has experience in what they want. If they don't know anybody like that they will search for it on the internet. The gears start grinding when this person develops the idea on their own or if they manage to strikes a partnership with a capital partner. Getting funded is not as hard as it used to.

A quick business loan with an agency or a bank is enough to make someone try their luck with a rapid prototyping workshop to bring the idea to life. By choosing the right company, they will get the product finished and ready. A production run is no longer an issue. Long gone are the months of wait or the unreasonable demands for millions of units of a single product to secure a profit. A new entrepreneur can have a small shipment of brand new products in months to begin a marketing campaign.

The Final Goal – To Reap the Rewards

This is why big retailers are falling. They fail to take notice of the small entrepreneur and how much they manage to sell in a specific timeframe. The entrepreneur suddenly evolves into a brand owner and has a good relationship with their manufacturer of choice. The brand will keep investing their profits into a new shipment of the product to meet demand. Rinse and repeat.

When the market takes notices, a few people try to replicate the original idea, but the brand is open to improve their product to make it better. There is a moment when Shopify will not be enough to handle sold volumes. That's when big retailers make contact, and just like that, the brand owner becomes a force in the market that was always their goal.

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